I'm Augustin Le Fèvre. I work for Klarna in Stockholm, Sweden. I mostly do front-end development. Here's my Twitter.
Going down the rabbit hole
June 10, 2022When to dig deep, and when to stop
Thoughts on ReactEurope 2019
May 25, 2019More about some talks I enjoyed at React Europe 2019
React-Europe day 2
May 24, 2019Recap of the talks of the day 2 of React-Europe
React-Europe Day 1
May 23, 2019What happened at React-Europe doesn't stay at React-Europe
Writing codemods to transform your codebase
May 19, 2019How you can use scripts to do large scale refactoring with jscodeshift
The <TestProvider /> pattern
April 17, 2019How to make it easy to render your React components in your tests
Becoming a better developer
February 26, 2019A couple of weeks ago a colleague of mine wanted some advice. The question, which we should all ask ourselves, was “How can I become a…
Getting Flow to agree with your types
October 17, 2018Quick tips to become more productive with Flow
What I like to ask in JavaScript interviews
August 24, 2018Interviewing is super interesting. But not easy. Here are some things that helped
On learning Rust
May 16, 2018First impressions after learning a bit of Rust.
Writing and maintaining enterprise software with React
May 14, 2018A couple of things I learnt writing software enterprise